Why Police Misconduct Liability Insurance Will Not Fix Anything – Bounty Hunter Jobs And Training Programs

Why Police Misconduct Liability Insurance Will Not Fix Anything – Bounty Hunter Jobs And Training Programs


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Over the course of my time with the CopBlock Network I have seen many people suggest that insuring or bonding police o…

To read more visit: Cop Block

Milbank Tweed Forum

April 6, 2016

Policing agencies play a vital role in ensuring a safe and secure society. But questions about law enforcement misconduct and accountability have become a central concern in recent years, following a string of high-profile police shootings and debate over such things as stop-and-frisk, profiling, and surveillance. How can we assure the effectiveness of policing, but also minimize its risks? What aspects of policing need fixing, what do those fixes look like, and what is the likelihood of achieving change? This program brings together leading change agents from Black Lives Matter and Right on Crime, as well as a prominent journalist who has covered the issues, moderated by the director of NYU Law’s own Policing Project.


Barry Friedman, Jacob D. Fuchsberg Professor of Law; Affiliated Professor of Politics;Director, Policing Project, NYU School of Law


Marc Levin, Director, Center for Effective Justice, Texas Public Policy Foundation; Policy Director, Right on Crime

Wesley Lowery, National Reporter, Washington Post

Brittany Packnett, Activist, Black Lives Matter; Member, Ferguson Commission and President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing; Founder, Campaign Zero

To learn more about Why Police Misconduct Liability Insurance Will Not Fix Anything, please visit BountyHunterEDU.com

Why Police Misconduct Liability Insurance Will Not Fix Anything