Off-Duty Puerto Rico Officer Killed by Would-Be Robber – Bounty Hunter Jobs And Training Programs

Off-Duty Puerto Rico Officer Killed by Would-Be Robber – Bounty Hunter Jobs And Training Programs

Puerto Rico Agent Gilberto Colón-Leon was shot and killed when he took action during a robbery attempt while off duty at approximately 2:00 a.m. June 13.

He was taking a friend home when multiple subjects approached them at the intersection of Calle Santiago Iglesias and Call…

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These robbers didn’t get the happy ending they were looking for when they held up a store in Brazil. The video was posted online by LiveLeak user Reptaur.

Store security cameras captured video of two men wearing motorcycle helmets attempting to rob the store. The shop attendant can be seen handing something of value to one man before pulling out a handgun and firing several shots at the criminals.

Both men were reportedly killed by the attendant. One man was shot while running away and is seen lying face down in the parking lot.

The gun laws in Brazil require all firearms to be registered with the state but it’s very difficult to obtain a permit to carry them outside of one’s residence. In 2005, Brazil voted against a bill that would ban the sale of guns and ammunition to civilians.

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Off-Duty Puerto Rico Officer Killed by Would-Be Robber